This is a read-only archive of the iOS Animations by Tutorials newsletter. »Table of contents

Text animations with Ophiuchus

iOS Animations by Tutorials 2nd Ed.


iOS Animations by Tutorials 2nd Ed is coming out September 2015 and is fully updated to Swift 2 and Xcode 7. As if this isn't an awesome enough update it also includes new chapters and projects to work on!

If you own the PDF version right now or buy before the release of 2nd edition - you will get the update for free on book release day!

Do you like books that self-update from Obj-C to Swift or simply to the latest iOS/ Xcode version? I thought you did. All books you buy from the store do - check ‘em out!

Cool animation links

As I wrote in the introduction - this month there have been simply too many really cool animation posts and libraries. I’ve selected few to share with you:

· Do you know of a cool new animation Swift library or interesting blog post?
· Do you want to sponsor an issue of iOS Animations by Emails?
· Do you want to write an animation tutorial for iOS Animations by Emails?
  If so check out my contacts in the footer. Thanks!