This is a read-only archive of the iOS Animations by Tutorials newsletter. »Table of contents

Creating an activity indicator using CAShapeLayer, blur effect and vibrancy

iOS Animations by Tutorials 2nd Edition!


iOS Animations by Tutorials 2nd Edition is coming out September 2015! If you own the PDF already or buy it right now - you will get the 2nd Edition update for free! The whole book has been updated for iOS 9 and Swift 2 plus few new chapters are coming your way!

And in case you already have bought iOS Animations by Tutorials why not check out some of the other Swift books I co-authored?

Cool animation links

To end this issue with a bang here are some of the coolest animation libraries and blog posts I've stumbled upon lately.

· Do you know of a cool new animation Swift library or interesting blog post?
· Do you want to sponsor an issue of iOS Animations by Emails?
· Do you want to write an animation tutorial for iOS Animations by Emails?
  If so check out my contacts in the footer. Thanks!